Thank you for contacting us!

Your request will be taken care of as soon as possible.

We will reply to you at our earliest convenience.


IMPORTANT: For your benefit, please read the ENTIRE page to the end!

Here are some important pieces of information to keep in mind:

  • If you use a Gmail account, the email might end up in the “Updates” folder (if you have it activated). Therefore, we invite you to also check the “Updates” tab.
  • Always remember to check the spam folder as well. Please note: We use a professional system to send our emails, but that might not be sufficient for correct reception. Indeed, some large email service providers decide on their own which emails you should see and which NOT (because, according to them, some emails could be unauthorized or worse, spam).
  • For this reason, it is important that, if you received our email in the SPAM folder, you select our message and mark it as “NOT SPAM” or “TRUSTED MESSAGE”.
  • We will enter the information you have provided into our records, and we will not surrender your personal data to third parties for any reason.

Thank you and enjoy reading.

Milani Machinery


Viale I° Maggio, 6 – 24030 Presezzo (BG)

Phone number